Content Hub
The Robot Brains Podcast: AI Researcher and Entrepreneur Richard Socher
Partners Pieter Abbeel and Richard Socher talk about search engines and AI.
The Robot Brains Podcast: AI to Reduce Carbon Emissions from Cow Burps and Farts
Yaniv Altshuler, CEO and Founder of portfolio company, talks about using AI to reduce carbon emissions.
The Robot Brains Podcast: Lukas Biewald on Solving the Pain-Points of AI Practitioners
Lukas Biewald, Founder and CEO of portfolio company Weights and Biases, explains how to solve AI practitioners' pain points.
The Robot Brains Podcast: Clement Delangue on Building the GitHub of Machine Learning
Clement Delangue, Co-Founder and CEO of portfolio company Hugging Face, talks about innovation in machine learning.